
Friday, April 16, 2010

Ahh well, I've been scared to jinx it, but it feels like we turned a corner...

in Mandy's healing process. She's been cleared by the vet... *GUESS WHAT!?!?!!!!! BELIZE HAS AN EQUINE VET NOW! OUR VERY FIRST!... to start handwalking. 10 minutes a day. For the next two weeks and a re-evaluation.

Can you tell I'm just the teeniest bit excited about that? An actual vet who went to school and studied horses? Oh WOW! I'm hoping we'll get along well. I think he has a pretty good hand with them so far.

Anyhow, off tangent. Yes, the wound has begun to shrink and was shrinking measurably four days in a row but plateaued again yesterday. The process of wound healing would be fascinating to me if it wasn't MY baby healing. :-\

However, I think it looks pretty good and here are some pictures to show the world that.

April 2nd
April 14th

It's also gotten itchy...

April 15th

I took a risk and let her out to get some sun on the leg unwrapped yesterday morning.
Sun is good.

ETA: On a lead, not loose.

and here we are heading out last night. 

10 minutes total.

and coming home.

Bree was a complete shit the whole way but understandable perhaps considering she's perfectly healthy and in jail.

We're a long way from the finish line but I feel good about it right now.


Wolfie said...

Congratulations on your new vet! Glad to hear that Mandy is well on the way to recovery. Walking her will really help physically and mentally. A nice way to start your weekend. :-)

CheekyMare said...

I agree! I'm looking forward to walking tonight. I'm looking forward even more to not having to change bandages 2x/ day.

Funder said...

I'm so happy for you! Glad she wants to itch it - that's a good sign. And a REAL HORSE VET! Wow!