
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Yay for POOP! Boo for Coconut oil.

So, Ginger has been having some issues of the intestinal variety. Long story short, she doesn't want to poop. We took her to the #1 Vet(the Lovely Jane from the Animal Medical Center in Belize City)

She's the one in Pink. Also pictured are #1 vet #2 Mike, and Miriam, the heart and soul of the administrative section.

A life with animals in Belize would be inestimably harder without the kindnesses and knowledge dispensed by this valuable team. Not to be forgotten is Phyllis who keeps the front desk running smoothly and has the biggest heart around.

Ginger's test results came back all normal except for her eosinophils. She's on meds for that and is beginning to poop normally again.

Here is what Ginger thinks of her adjusted diet to get things moving again.

Poor little girl. She's so abused.

In other news, I saw the cutest thing when I went home last night. As per usual, I went in to check the water and hay levels for the horses. I wasn't super quiet, just normal, but when I flicked on the light what did I see?

Dead Horse. Awwwwww. They look so sweet when they're sleeping.



*sigh* She's such a beauty...

I'm up now... Where's my hay?

Brisa says: "I'z a big gurl too. I can put my head over the stall too!

and a stable buddy I saw when I was locking up for the night.

Scratches... a horse owners bane.

Mandy seems to have the very beginnings of scratches developing on her one white leg. :\ I noticed she was stomping her feet quite a lot before yesterday's ride. I didn't put too much mind to it because she's a stomper on a regular basis. This morning however I noticed her leg seemed quite sensitive when I just ran my hand down her leg and she was kicking out quite a bit. What I thought were small clumps of mud were actually very small scabs on her fetlock area. (not in the normal area you see Scratches on the heel but higher up and on the front)

I mixed up some Savlon and warm water and went down to wash...that did NOT go over well with her but I managed to get all four somewhat washed but had to leave the sore leg needing some additional work.

Once Juan arrived we went at it again and managed to get the leg washed properly. I dried it well with a towel and put some Bag Balm on the leg.

This stuff is the SHIT!

When the horses come in for the night I'll see if she'll let me look it over again and put Cut-Heal on the legs mixed with a little Coconut Oil.(I thought of this after we had used the Bag Balm already) I think it may be a little less likely to pick up gunk from the paddocks and stalls. We will see.

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